
Best Bitcoin Doubling Cheat



I want to introduce to you 2018 Blockchain BTC Transaction Manipulator which is used to double bitcoin by up 300% in 24hrs. This is an opportunity to make more money. More investments, more returns.


How it works

We manipulate some loopholes in blockchain by hooking your btc address to blockchain for 6 transactions which we will receive 2 transactions of the amount you invested and you will receive 4 of the transaction within 24hrs after which we will disable the btc addresses to avoid detections from blockchain.



This is not any of the advertised btc investment program. What we do is hook your btc address to hijack blockchain transactions of the same amount you deposited. This transaction hijjacks are achievable because of  blockchain congested network traffic.


Payout are timed for every 4hrs. Transaction search are performed every 4hrs and payout is made.


Why Do We Need Investors

Simple, Because for the btc address to be properly hooked there must be a sending out transaction from the btc address. So the more you invest, the more payout you get.

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