
How to enhance, improve and increase employee engagement during difficult times

Employee Engagement during Tough Times

25 – 26 July 2016 *Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia



How to enhance, improve and increase employee engagement during difficult times


Workshop Overview

Employee engagement is currently a top strategic initiative for a majority of companies and organizations around the world. It is a major contributor to achieving both organizational and individual wellbeing. As well as improving performance and productivity, employee engagement impacts positively on absenteeism, retention, innovation, customer service, and other key outcomes (Engage for Success, Nailing the Evidence,


Yet we struggle to create robust and authentic employee engagement. Some organizations have failed to move beyond a disengaging bi-annual survey while other organizations believe it is important but don't know where to begin or how to proceed. Some organizations have been working with engagement but their approaches have gone flat or are not achieving the intended results.

This workshop will help you and your organization improve and increase employee engagement so that you are not left behind. You will be equipped to take a leadership role in leveraging employee engagement for strategic success.

We have progressed from the why of employee engagement to the ways and methods to improve engagement. This is an ideal course whether you are in the contemplation or initial stages of engagement or you have been conducting employee engagement surveys and interventions for a number of years. David's primary model for work with employee engagement is the 10-block pyramid of employee engagement:


Why you should attend?

Employee Engagement has been on our radar for 26 years. This is your opportunity to get the most from what employee engagement has to offer. This is an ideal workshop whether you are just beginning the engagement journey or if you have been working on engagement for many years and your engagement efforts are in need of a refresh.

David Zinger travels to Asia infrequently so this is a unique opportunity to spend two days with him to enhance and increase engagement for yourself, your employees, and your organization. David has devoted over 18,000 hours on employee engagement, written 4 books and 3000 blog posts on engagement, work, and leadership. He also hosts and manages the global Employee Engagement Network with over 7000 members.


Major Benefits of Attending:

·         ENSURE that both you and your organization are better at understanding and implementing employee engagement

·         WEAVE employee engagement with strategic objectives for the maximum benefit of customers, the organization, and employees

·         LEARN about the latest innovative conceptual, cognitive, emotional, and behavioral developments and practices in employee engagement

·         TRANSITION your company or organization from early stages of employee engagement to more robust and powerful ways to engage

·         ARTICULATE a solid business case for engagement where you work

·         DESIGN experimentation methods with employee engagement to determine what works best within your organization

·         PRACTICE micro engagement methods to foster and enhance your personal engagement and the engagement of employees who directly report to you

·         ASSESS your current state of engagement and develop an action plan to both increase and improve engagement while also making it sustainable.

·         CREATE an organization where employees look forward to coming to work, feel connected to the organization and strive to make a difference


To find out about the trainer profile and agenda of this program, simply reply to with subject title "Employee Engagement during Tough Times - KL" and I shall send you a PDF copy of our program.


Look forward you joining us!




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