
FNRC up 14.3% today and strong upward trend


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FNRC up 14.3% today and strong upward trend.

Dear Traders,

We announced our stock pick FNRC, which we believe is a great pick that, will rocket over the coming months.

Well, smart investors weren't disappointed today with 14.3% gains. FNRC closed at $0.24 (up from Friday close of $0.21) on over 790,000 shares trading hands.

This is just the beginning of what we believe promises to be a strong upward trend and could be vital to any smart investors portfolio. We focus our research and marketing activities on companies that we believe have the fundamentals and the potential to generate solid near-term and long-term gains for our subscribers.

What does this mean for investors?
We believe there has never been a better time to consider this company than RIGHT NOW! As always, we encourage our subscribers to do their own due diligence. We'll send more information over the coming weeks and months as we continue to cover FNRC.

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